الجمعة، 28 سبتمبر 2012

Definitions and diversified economic terms

Arrow: is a stake in a joint stock company, and have capital in this company contributing component of a certain number of shares to be equal in value, indivisible and be negotiable means business, and represents the shareholders' equity in the companies that contributed to the capital, and change the value of shares in accordance with the bid and ask prices in the financial markets, and gives the shareholder annual profits of peer-owned shares, a share which is equal to the value of the shares in the company's profits for the past year.

Sindh: is a financial instrument negotiable, and this instrument a written undertaking peer religion or a specific loan and repaid at a certain date, with interest on the principal of Sindh and authorizes the instrument owner recover the amount of the loan, in addition to accrued interest, by him.

Stock market: It is a place overseen by the Ministry of Economy and contains an electronic system whereby a combination of buyers and sellers for a particular type of securities or financial asset specific, since they can so investors from buying and selling a number of stocks and bonds in the market either through brokers (intermediaries) or companies operating in this area and go up or down the value of securities and financial assets according to the buy and sell offers from investors.

Ordinary shares: These are securities owned a number of investors is equal to the share of each of them in the capital of the company does not get holders of ordinary shares on the dividend specifically for buying these stocks as in the preferred shares but controls the value of the shares Offers buying and selling and that build on the financial and economic situation of the company and therefore each owner gets to ordinary shares on a certain percentage of profit is equal to what it gets the rest of the ordinary shareholders, as of the shares owned. It is regular contributor as well as the right to examine the books of the company to make sure it is safe and voting on mergers and acquisitions and underwriting new issues of shares in the same proportion currently possesses.

Preferred Shares: These are securities owned a limited number of investors equal share of each in the capital of the company and located these shares between equities and debt as determined by its dividend known in advance to the holder of this stock as there is no legal obligation to pay the dividends are paid only in If approved the Board of Directors her name excellent give Mmtlkiha discrimination in many of the following or part and the first Excellence in profits, such as increasing the percentage to them or get them first and privilege to get the value of shares if the liquidation by the partners and privilege to ensure capital and profit and privilege in votes in the Assembly and privilege in the fact that the original partners are the first to expand the company's business.

Stock market index: Index measures the stock market price level of stocks and bonds in the financial market, where the measured sample prices of the shares of various companies and whose shares are traded and bonds in the capital markets organization or organization, or both, and are often selected sample manner allow the index to reflect the state of the capital market, which targets the index measured and this indicator is a mirror of the overall economic situation of the country now and in which you can predict the future economic situation.

Sectoral index: This index measures the state of the market for a particular sector, such as banks and insurance industry or a particular industry, including, for example, the Dow Jones transportation industry, or the Standard & Poor's index of the service industry.

Primary market (Primary Market): also called IPO market is the market on which the seller of the security (stock or bond) is the original source when planning a new company put its shares in the market to the public, or when you based company originally issued new bonds or shares those stocks and bonds are raised for the first time in the primary market.

Secondary market (Secondary Market): is the market in which it is treated to stocks and bonds previously issued and which are traded among investors is if major financial markets that contain different stocks.

Financial market regulator: is a specific place where traders meet to buy or sell and also called (SEC) where this place is run by an elected council members of the market is required to deal in securities that such securities are registered in that market.

Financial market unregulated: are financial transactions that take place outside the regulated markets, where there is no specific place for dealing with investors dealing among themselves and with brokerage houses through a large network of rapid communications linking brokers, traders and investors, and through this network the investor can to choose the best prices where prices vary on the stock or a bond.

Balance of Payments: is a account that records the value of the rights and debts arising between a particular country and the outside world and knead a result of exchanges and transactions that arise between residents in this country and their counterparts abroad over a period of time usually a year.

Double taxation: subordination money for more than one tax. This happens especially in relation to profits Almaxobh of funds employed by individuals (or employed companies) abroad, as is often forced them to pay tax on this profit to the Government of their country of citizenship and to the Government of the country that gained profits at home at the same time.

Dumping: is the producer or marketer selling huge amounts products at lower prices than the market price in order to get rid of surplus or beat the competition, especially in the field of international trade. It phenomena inherent in dumping product usually resort to the adoption of two different rates for a single commodity, one for the local market and have more often than not higher than the costs of production and one for the foreign market and have often lower than production costs.

Bankruptcy (Bankruptcy): it is a case person debtor (or institution City) who is unable to do its obligations to its creditors, فيمتنع for payment, فيصار to sequester the immediate funds to be distributed for them after the creditors and bankruptcy legal state is declared or months by a judicial The bankruptcy In idiosyncratic terminology: it is that religion is on the person more than his money, whether it is a money originally, or was it his money, but less than his religion. Ibn Qudaamah said: but called thinks his religion his penniless If he has money, because money owed in exchange point of religion, it is as if non-existent.

Insolvency (Insolvency): the debtor is unable to pay its debts in the context of maturity so that eventually forced to stop work, filtered, and probably insolvent unable to pay its debts with assets are unable to be liquidated to meet debt shall be in need of time.

Deflation: in economics, is a lack of volume of currency in circulation rises from the virus purchasing power, and prices are low, and spreading unemployment. And deflation the opposite of inflation where the increase occurs in the volume of currency in circulation goes down with their purchasing power and rising prices.

Inflation: is a disease of economic and social mess in the body of the economy and cause problems and bad effects, and created inflation as a result of the imbalance between the rates of production and consumption, savings and investment, as it happens as a result of the weakness of production capacities in the national economy and the consequent these imbalances steady rise in prices, leads to rising wages and prices productive factors, and other production costs, followed by a steady rise in the prices up when the currency value can no longer face the wave of price rises in the prices and costs.

Five-Year Plan: Project for the National Economic Development by promoting agricultural and industrial production; put the government is working to implement it in five years. The Soviet Union had earlier states to adopt this method in development work, hence the (draft five years Soviet first) between (1928-1932) and (project five years Soviet II) (in 1933), and third (in 1938), and the subsequent projects, have been printed almost all the socialist countries, and some non-socialist countries, along these lines was the other five-year projects as well.

Devaluation: currency devaluation, or money, officially for gold or relative to foreign currencies. But resort states, sometimes, to reduce its currency in order to eliminate the deficit continued in its balance of payments, because this reduction makes imports country from other countries more expensive and makes its exports to these countries cheaper, and that's what helped him to evaluate trade balance and make it more competitive in global markets. However, the devaluation will not be feasible at all if the deficit in the balance of payments of the country arises from a fundamental ills in the structure of the national economy.

National income: the total net value of goods produced by all members of the nation and for services performed during a certain period of time is usually one year.

Capitalism: an economic system in which individuals possess, or companies, and the means of production and distribution, and money is invested in its shadow on the personal initiative of the state by directing or control. Notable characteristics of capitalism produce goods for profit and pricing on the basis of the principle of competition in the free market. Capitalism was first ordered her purely commercial. Even if the last third of the eighteenth century industrial capitalism emerged and active banking capital. The capital controlled the whole economic life until the birth of the Soviet Union in 1917 and since then the world knew two economists Mtsaraein systems: capitalism and socialism. Having taken most capitalist countries in recent years to the principle of economic planning or direction, in an attempt to reduce the domination of capital on the country singles. The United States is the U.S. major capitalist countries.

Black market: is the name given to the various business processes banned conducted in secret usually, in a manner contrary to the restrictions and regulations imposed by governments on the buying and selling which take different forms Kaltguenin pricing and Banning the sale item forbidden entirely sometimes, and here are aware that the market Black is not a place particular we can go to him, but is a set of business practices illegal where targeted buyer of resorting to the black market supply goods can not be obtained from licit markets or it can not be obtained from these markets prices specified by the relevant authorities and the seller activist targeted the black market to achieve the highest percentage of the profit, and the black market flourishes in countries before or after the war and during crises and disasters.

International Monetary Fund: is a specialized agency of the United Nations system agencies, was established by an international treaty in 1945 to work on enhancing the safety of the global economy and is headquartered Fund in Washington, USA, and managed by its members, who include all the world's countries their number of 184 countries as they contribute each state Member States of the capital by national income and the size of its international trade, and its objectives promote international monetary cooperation and enable Member States to correct the imbalance in the balance of payments, and the International Monetary Fund is the central institution in the international monetary system - any system of international payments and currency exchange rates which allows transactions trade between different countries, The Fund aims to prevent crises in the system by encouraging different countries to adopt sound economic policies, as it can take advantage of its members who need temporary funding to address what they are exposed to problems in the balance of payments.

Income tax: a direct tax levied on annual income for individuals and economic institutions, and on the salaries of employees and users and staff as well. They are often forced on people ascending. Synthesized, first synthesized in the Netherlands, and then imposed in Britain in 1799 and in Russia in 1851 and in the United States in 1913 and in Canada in 1917. Today it is valid in abundance the major countries of the world, as a resource of the largest public treasury resources.

Currency: means the legal form of the money supply, which include coins and banknotes, and was an old word (currency) called on the various means of exchange traded hand-in-hand, including precious stones, and some of the goods, such as tobacco, sugar and others.

Hard currency: means each currency are hard to obtain. And the difficulty of currency in this sense would relative, as the currency of any country may be difficult as long as the balance of payments of some countries characterized by helplessness with the State having such currency, was launched expression (hard currency) before abandoning the gold standard Gold Standard in the thirties of the twentieth century - the fixed currency based on that rule. It then became the expression, or CAD, synonymous with the U.S. dollar and the various convertible currencies to the dollar.

Balance of Payments: Summary of financial operations that are made, during a certain period of time, between a country and various foreign countries, and include the movement of goods, services and capital and the movement of gold. In other words, the balance of payments is the total annual statement which represents the state revenues from abroad and payments to overseas

Trade balance: the difference between the value of a country's imports, during the period, and the value of its exports. If exports outweighed imports cuff was said that the country with an appropriate balance of trade or OK, and if imports outweighed exports cuff was said that the country with the balance of trade is inappropriate or is OK.

Trading or speculation: is the process of buying and selling shares in the financial market briefly, and form other means of dealing in securities, buying and selling through the financial markets and is usually performed these operations in a few days or weeks as trading stocks are very fast compared to commercial operations other For the purpose of achieving the greatest possible profits by buying shares priced to sell at prices greater where are the trading process by issuing buy and sell orders by investors in their applications to the Broker Financial, which must take into account each investor the identification of each of the company's contribution would like to buy or sell shares where as well as the price at which wants to sell or buy and can also take the market price and also the time it wants to execute the request.

Rolling or speculator: the person investor who is buying and selling shares of companies raised in the financial markets and the payment of the value of shares and the commission payable on the worker process the mediator or sell owned shares and receipt of monetary value, and are often sales orders and purchase from one day to more than that by investor desire is the most important influences on stock prices in the trading sessions are the sale and purchase orders and process of supply and demand that govern the price up and down, depending on variables that occur on companies and the stock price.

Murabaha: is the process of selling such capital Sales, which includes the price of item and incur the expenses while increasing profit known it, a process used by Islamic banks in enabling customers to buy cars and real estate, commodities and other has endorsed many of the elders of Islam as mentioned process is different for lending operations in riba and conducted by banks usury and given that the process of Murabaha is the buying and selling process.

AQAH: AQAH is usury any alternative interest-based loan is considered one of the most important acts of goodness, which is lending without any benefits on the duration or any delay caused by the payment of the amount equal to the amount the lender does not have a penalty, both thanks and praise and supplication. And called the loan a loan (Jurisprudence) loan because the word means: cutting. Because you deduct from the owner offered money to your brother. For Dalal on the legality of the loan this Hadith "Describe Abdullah bin Abi Rabia his grandfather said: Astkarz me the Prophet peace be upon him forty thousand came and money Vdfh to me and said God bless you in your family and the owner but a penalty advances Praise and performance."

Interest (Riba): is the increase on the origin of the money is held تبايع, means lent man amount and required him to return it you increase the origin: this usury loans, defined last increase on the origin of the money is selling, this definition includes usury loans that had prevailed in ignorance. The Lord of financial transactions, Rabbani loans thing usury sales anything else, Lord sales: credit-free for Awad unconditional in sales, this means pen fifty pounds, meaning Awad: Fifty versus owns this pen if I took him sixtieth lira against the delay has to pay the price, This usury named Lord sales and not usury loans, is credited empty for Awad conditional sale, provided sales that this pen fifty If taken in excess of fifty non-requirement sales which Awad This amount took when scientists Lord, this definition definition Sarkhasi one of the largest Hanafi jurists.
A definition of the Ibn al-Arabi: usury in the language increase and be in verse every increase has not been matched Awad is usury, the imam pride Razi says: usury sections Lord النسيئة and usury credit, usury النسيئة ie: increase conditional who takes creditor of the debtor match postponement, borrowed from humans loan Fasthak performance loan when last you the performance demanded an increase on the origin of the money, this is riba النسيئة This usury is usury ignorance that was common among the Arabs before Islam, Varaba that the Arabs know and do but had loan dirhams and dinars to order an increase on the amount of what Astkarz on What Atradon of certain ratios, and now any loan from the bank is like usury interest loans.

Current Account: is a list of restricting their banking transactions exchanged between the client and the bank; and the owner of the money to open this account at the bank to put money in it, the purpose of conservation and preservation and then request when you need it, or for the purposes of dealing daily business, without having to carry cash, has delivers the bank to the customer checkbook, allowing him which - according to procedures known - drag whenever he wants from his account, and will not exceed the amounts for how much money has been handed over to the bank high, has paid his money to the bank expenses easy for retaining the current account as such, was named Account this name because the current nature make it in constant motion from the filing increase or decrease due thereto from restrictions Bal_husb and deposit of change is so that there will not remain on one recipe.

Deposits Current Account: are the amounts deposited by their owners in banks (current account), provided that give it back to them the bank whenever they want it, or know that it amounts deposited by their owners in the banks in order to be present trading, and drag them to the moment the need to respond as soon as demand, and without stop any prior notice of any kind.

Credit cards (Credit Cards): a tool to pay and withdraw cash gives the bank or financial institution to natural or legal person (the cardholder) based on the contract between them can buy goods or services who depend document (Merchant) without paying the price off the guaranteed obligation source payment, and be Payment of the account of the issuer, then returns to its holder at regular intervals, and some impose interest on the total unpaid balance after a specified period from the date of the claim, and some do not impose interest, as some of them can be the person who obtained access to special services.

Debit cards banking (ATM Cards): is a tool to pay and withdraw cash, issued a commercial bank, and allow the holder to purchase his money is located at the bank, and get cash from anywhere with a discount amount from his account immediately, and being able to get special services.

Murabaha contract: is a sales Secretariat in Islamic law, which determines the sales price based on the cost of the item plus an agreed profit between the seller and the buyer. Murabaha contract has developed to become a bank financing formula Award legally what is known in the banking term contemporary "Murabaha banking".

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