الجمعة، 28 سبتمبر 2012

Brooker, currency rates, currency market

Brooker, currency rates, currency market

When Taatman in the world of currency trading sees that he must for the average person to change his mentality of just an ordinary person to Bruker for understanding the currency market and price changes of currencies. But if depth look at the currency market find almost all Albrookr in the currency market are not eligible because they Daon their time in Learn the easiest and most successful way to win millions and billions and perfect in the Forex market. Such as how to read the data and maps and try to improve entry and exit and trading skills, but what are the results?

Alburkr is a person who enjoys savvy and love for exercise games mind, as currency trading and anticipate changes in currency rates depends on the strategy to anticipate and react right quick, and the process of analysis and read the data and choose the investment appropriately is of axioms which is characterized by Bruker successful. This Maevsr that more 95% of investors in the currency market to face failure with time.

How to become a broker in the currency market?
Learn how to choose the right decision at the right time because the process of analysis of data in the currency market process does not need intelligence as it is with the passage of time at work in the currency market become the process of analysis and study data financial markets is routinely but making the right decision is what distinguishes Bruker normal for Bruker successful.

Exchange Rates
Expectations of political events and economic reactions whole market reasons affect the currency rates. Changes in currency rates are mainly dependent on the country's economy, for example that the low and high U.S. dollar relative depends on the policies of the White House economic and political. Because it was believed among dealers in the currency market The U.S. government abandoned the strong dollar policy to allow down prices of U.S. exports to increase Tnavsinha in foreign markets to finance large deficits in the U.S. trade balance, which amounted to 5% of gross shop, but that this policy to reduce currency rates very serious and sensitive or benefit only in short periods, and may lead to loose the reins of control economy, and the collapse of the currency value completely, especially in light of the existence of alternative currency is the euro, which did not exist after the global economic crisis in the sixties and early seventies, when rushed everyone, including Europeans to support U.S. dollar for fear of collapse; and to link their currencies and reserves it, but this time that happened the economic collapse will not help coincidences dollar prices and currencies linked to U.S. dollar as it did before, especially in light of the international reports which indicate that more than half of the world's central banks may already turned their reserves from dollars to euros.

Money, currency trading, currency converter

Money, currency trading, currency converter

You can work in currency trading in the world and you are in your home or in your office at any time on the clock as enables the Forex market to buy thousands of money for hundreds of dollars only. Enables you to buy coins worth more than $ matte double your budget and retain full profit you money if you paid for in full.

To be able to work in the trade money in a way that enables you to profit, you should learn what was secret about you from working methods in the world of trade money on a margin which is the method commonly legitimate and legal trading in the currency market (money) in general and in the largest market ever International Currency Exchange. where he managed wishing to trade money (currency) with a blind eye to capital limited action in currency trading and double its capital as soon as possible. For example buy euros (currency of the European Union), equivalent to $ 100000 a few hours after the EUR 100 points sell euro, which bought a profit U.S. $ 1000 within a few hours you get this full profit you Is it necessary to have 100 thousand dollars to conduct this transaction, not all that is required of you to be in your account the equivalent of U.S. $ 500 will be deducted this amount but temporarily سيحجز and will return to you after the completion of the transaction regardless of the outcome! you can buy fold it to be a profit-fold what Rbanh in previous deal as you can repeat this deal several times a day!

Currency Trading
That what we have at the forefront of currency trading, currency, currency converter occurs daily with millions of dealers in currency trading and currency traders of all kinds, a currency trading margin which is the way enables you to convert any currency of currencies that are traded in the forex market to pay part very simple of its value and then sell and get full profit like you pay worth fully فالمتاجرة currencies margin is a wonderful opportunity for anyone able to achieve huge profits outweigh the paid-up capital dozens of times in the period may not take a few hours! The problem is that there are a lot of people keep account does not know how currencies are traded as well that there are a lot of people do not know as soon as there is this method at work in the currency trading market! One of the reasons that prevent the average person from the trend towards knowledge exchange market in trading currency converter assets and capital.

Currency exchange
Currency converter easy process relies on identifying and anticipate changes in the price of currencies which requires knowledge and analysis of the political changes and social and economic Therefore hear many people say that politics and economics are two sides of the same coin. Is all dealers in the currency converter familiar and the ability to anticipate currency then do currency conversion profitable manner. The answer is simple and only found that all currency traders of the owners of large amounts of money. Here ask the reader to this article and interested in the world of currency trading What is the most appropriate way in the currency converter. Continue States economy over the deficit, economic plans and profit ratio of exports through programs and publishes studies on the changes and effects of the global economy. The study methods currency trading through demo accounts for forex trading. They provide a lot of sites Forex Trading Demo Accounts with balances up to $ 100,000 with the knowledge that all data and real data enables you to monitor currency prices and successful conversion operations and daily effects on exchange rates. Study creativity workout the best way to convert currency to join the world of forex trading.

Programs Forex Online, Forex trading software, Forex trading software

Programs Forex Online, Forex trading software, Forex trading software

Programs Forex trading is a type of complex programs being developed by companies Forks in order to facilitate the trading process on the stock exchange, which is one of the largest stock exchanges in the world economy in the 21 th century, as longer as the largest financial market in the world, with more than the average daily volume of Bursa Forex for U.S. $ 1.9 trillion and have designed programs Forex Online broker and births to transfer information and buy and sell orders. because Forex trading software uses the World Wide Web of the Internet to transfer information.

Forex Online Programs
We have designed programs Forex Online tool investment to allow the investor currency trading directly in the time limit real Although authorities agreed in mind the security of user programs Forex Online privacy and information in the world of online trading that the most important characteristics of programs Forex Online he has to provide for her employer real-time trading, it has to offers another changes in currency rates and not be such as receiving information over the phone Taking it in programs Forex Online and the era of globalization, which depends on the speed of information and the accuracy of information on all versions of programs Forex Online to be renewed and safe and the most important security features that are traded through encryption information on the Web and this process is called name tunnel layer security (ssl).

Forex trading software
Are developing and designing programs Forex trading either for download and use in your rolling Profile or to provide service on the Web in science span known as the Internet each features as characterized programs Forex Trading on web pages that her employer does not download and process installed on his computer With the proliferation of Internet service and provides a world of information technology has enabled rolling stock can trade anywhere, anytime, provided that is connected to the network spider As for the trading software Forex designed for download For rolling on the stock exchange that the process download the software and installed on his computer and then a trading operation. It is the most negative aspects of Forex trading programs that need to be downloaded is that the inability to do rolling trade currencies on a device that does not contain programs of Forex Trading where Alambda and modus operandi have Forex trading programs are designed to serve the traders and facilitate the process of foreign exchange trading.

Forex trading software
Forex trading software is software designed for currency trading on the Internet. Because the user to program the Forex Trading trading in an easy process immediately on the Internet. Allowing Mstamaly Unix and Mac systems from trading in the foreign exchange market. You can log into your account and trade at any time and from anywhere. Forex trading software technology, eliminate the need to download software currency trading, filling out forms, open a bank account or deposit money in advance, it does not eliminate administrative barriers, but cut the roof access for trading in the foreign exchange market for the lowest amount! And in spite of all these facilities program is Forex trading software which is characterized by very complicated, but the Forex competent guide you and lead you, step by step, the way highly transparent to complete a deal trading in foreign currency you have chosen. The program Forex trading provides the necessary information to make decisions. Currency rates curve shows changes in currency rates helps to anticipate and take appropriate decisions. any Forex trading software source of information and help to the investment process.

Definitions and diversified economic terms

Arrow: is a stake in a joint stock company, and have capital in this company contributing component of a certain number of shares to be equal in value, indivisible and be negotiable means business, and represents the shareholders' equity in the companies that contributed to the capital, and change the value of shares in accordance with the bid and ask prices in the financial markets, and gives the shareholder annual profits of peer-owned shares, a share which is equal to the value of the shares in the company's profits for the past year.

Sindh: is a financial instrument negotiable, and this instrument a written undertaking peer religion or a specific loan and repaid at a certain date, with interest on the principal of Sindh and authorizes the instrument owner recover the amount of the loan, in addition to accrued interest, by him.

Stock market: It is a place overseen by the Ministry of Economy and contains an electronic system whereby a combination of buyers and sellers for a particular type of securities or financial asset specific, since they can so investors from buying and selling a number of stocks and bonds in the market either through brokers (intermediaries) or companies operating in this area and go up or down the value of securities and financial assets according to the buy and sell offers from investors.

Ordinary shares: These are securities owned a number of investors is equal to the share of each of them in the capital of the company does not get holders of ordinary shares on the dividend specifically for buying these stocks as in the preferred shares but controls the value of the shares Offers buying and selling and that build on the financial and economic situation of the company and therefore each owner gets to ordinary shares on a certain percentage of profit is equal to what it gets the rest of the ordinary shareholders, as of the shares owned. It is regular contributor as well as the right to examine the books of the company to make sure it is safe and voting on mergers and acquisitions and underwriting new issues of shares in the same proportion currently possesses.

Preferred Shares: These are securities owned a limited number of investors equal share of each in the capital of the company and located these shares between equities and debt as determined by its dividend known in advance to the holder of this stock as there is no legal obligation to pay the dividends are paid only in If approved the Board of Directors her name excellent give Mmtlkiha discrimination in many of the following or part and the first Excellence in profits, such as increasing the percentage to them or get them first and privilege to get the value of shares if the liquidation by the partners and privilege to ensure capital and profit and privilege in votes in the Assembly and privilege in the fact that the original partners are the first to expand the company's business.

Stock market index: Index measures the stock market price level of stocks and bonds in the financial market, where the measured sample prices of the shares of various companies and whose shares are traded and bonds in the capital markets organization or organization, or both, and are often selected sample manner allow the index to reflect the state of the capital market, which targets the index measured and this indicator is a mirror of the overall economic situation of the country now and in which you can predict the future economic situation.

Sectoral index: This index measures the state of the market for a particular sector, such as banks and insurance industry or a particular industry, including, for example, the Dow Jones transportation industry, or the Standard & Poor's index of the service industry.

Primary market (Primary Market): also called IPO market is the market on which the seller of the security (stock or bond) is the original source when planning a new company put its shares in the market to the public, or when you based company originally issued new bonds or shares those stocks and bonds are raised for the first time in the primary market.

Secondary market (Secondary Market): is the market in which it is treated to stocks and bonds previously issued and which are traded among investors is if major financial markets that contain different stocks.

Financial market regulator: is a specific place where traders meet to buy or sell and also called (SEC) where this place is run by an elected council members of the market is required to deal in securities that such securities are registered in that market.

Financial market unregulated: are financial transactions that take place outside the regulated markets, where there is no specific place for dealing with investors dealing among themselves and with brokerage houses through a large network of rapid communications linking brokers, traders and investors, and through this network the investor can to choose the best prices where prices vary on the stock or a bond.

Balance of Payments: is a account that records the value of the rights and debts arising between a particular country and the outside world and knead a result of exchanges and transactions that arise between residents in this country and their counterparts abroad over a period of time usually a year.

Double taxation: subordination money for more than one tax. This happens especially in relation to profits Almaxobh of funds employed by individuals (or employed companies) abroad, as is often forced them to pay tax on this profit to the Government of their country of citizenship and to the Government of the country that gained profits at home at the same time.

Dumping: is the producer or marketer selling huge amounts products at lower prices than the market price in order to get rid of surplus or beat the competition, especially in the field of international trade. It phenomena inherent in dumping product usually resort to the adoption of two different rates for a single commodity, one for the local market and have more often than not higher than the costs of production and one for the foreign market and have often lower than production costs.

Bankruptcy (Bankruptcy): it is a case person debtor (or institution City) who is unable to do its obligations to its creditors, فيمتنع for payment, فيصار to sequester the immediate funds to be distributed for them after the creditors and bankruptcy legal state is declared or months by a judicial The bankruptcy In idiosyncratic terminology: it is that religion is on the person more than his money, whether it is a money originally, or was it his money, but less than his religion. Ibn Qudaamah said: but called thinks his religion his penniless If he has money, because money owed in exchange point of religion, it is as if non-existent.

Insolvency (Insolvency): the debtor is unable to pay its debts in the context of maturity so that eventually forced to stop work, filtered, and probably insolvent unable to pay its debts with assets are unable to be liquidated to meet debt shall be in need of time.

Deflation: in economics, is a lack of volume of currency in circulation rises from the virus purchasing power, and prices are low, and spreading unemployment. And deflation the opposite of inflation where the increase occurs in the volume of currency in circulation goes down with their purchasing power and rising prices.

Inflation: is a disease of economic and social mess in the body of the economy and cause problems and bad effects, and created inflation as a result of the imbalance between the rates of production and consumption, savings and investment, as it happens as a result of the weakness of production capacities in the national economy and the consequent these imbalances steady rise in prices, leads to rising wages and prices productive factors, and other production costs, followed by a steady rise in the prices up when the currency value can no longer face the wave of price rises in the prices and costs.

Five-Year Plan: Project for the National Economic Development by promoting agricultural and industrial production; put the government is working to implement it in five years. The Soviet Union had earlier states to adopt this method in development work, hence the (draft five years Soviet first) between (1928-1932) and (project five years Soviet II) (in 1933), and third (in 1938), and the subsequent projects, have been printed almost all the socialist countries, and some non-socialist countries, along these lines was the other five-year projects as well.

Devaluation: currency devaluation, or money, officially for gold or relative to foreign currencies. But resort states, sometimes, to reduce its currency in order to eliminate the deficit continued in its balance of payments, because this reduction makes imports country from other countries more expensive and makes its exports to these countries cheaper, and that's what helped him to evaluate trade balance and make it more competitive in global markets. However, the devaluation will not be feasible at all if the deficit in the balance of payments of the country arises from a fundamental ills in the structure of the national economy.

National income: the total net value of goods produced by all members of the nation and for services performed during a certain period of time is usually one year.

Capitalism: an economic system in which individuals possess, or companies, and the means of production and distribution, and money is invested in its shadow on the personal initiative of the state by directing or control. Notable characteristics of capitalism produce goods for profit and pricing on the basis of the principle of competition in the free market. Capitalism was first ordered her purely commercial. Even if the last third of the eighteenth century industrial capitalism emerged and active banking capital. The capital controlled the whole economic life until the birth of the Soviet Union in 1917 and since then the world knew two economists Mtsaraein systems: capitalism and socialism. Having taken most capitalist countries in recent years to the principle of economic planning or direction, in an attempt to reduce the domination of capital on the country singles. The United States is the U.S. major capitalist countries.

Black market: is the name given to the various business processes banned conducted in secret usually, in a manner contrary to the restrictions and regulations imposed by governments on the buying and selling which take different forms Kaltguenin pricing and Banning the sale item forbidden entirely sometimes, and here are aware that the market Black is not a place particular we can go to him, but is a set of business practices illegal where targeted buyer of resorting to the black market supply goods can not be obtained from licit markets or it can not be obtained from these markets prices specified by the relevant authorities and the seller activist targeted the black market to achieve the highest percentage of the profit, and the black market flourishes in countries before or after the war and during crises and disasters.

International Monetary Fund: is a specialized agency of the United Nations system agencies, was established by an international treaty in 1945 to work on enhancing the safety of the global economy and is headquartered Fund in Washington, USA, and managed by its members, who include all the world's countries their number of 184 countries as they contribute each state Member States of the capital by national income and the size of its international trade, and its objectives promote international monetary cooperation and enable Member States to correct the imbalance in the balance of payments, and the International Monetary Fund is the central institution in the international monetary system - any system of international payments and currency exchange rates which allows transactions trade between different countries, The Fund aims to prevent crises in the system by encouraging different countries to adopt sound economic policies, as it can take advantage of its members who need temporary funding to address what they are exposed to problems in the balance of payments.

Income tax: a direct tax levied on annual income for individuals and economic institutions, and on the salaries of employees and users and staff as well. They are often forced on people ascending. Synthesized, first synthesized in the Netherlands, and then imposed in Britain in 1799 and in Russia in 1851 and in the United States in 1913 and in Canada in 1917. Today it is valid in abundance the major countries of the world, as a resource of the largest public treasury resources.

Currency: means the legal form of the money supply, which include coins and banknotes, and was an old word (currency) called on the various means of exchange traded hand-in-hand, including precious stones, and some of the goods, such as tobacco, sugar and others.

Hard currency: means each currency are hard to obtain. And the difficulty of currency in this sense would relative, as the currency of any country may be difficult as long as the balance of payments of some countries characterized by helplessness with the State having such currency, was launched expression (hard currency) before abandoning the gold standard Gold Standard in the thirties of the twentieth century - the fixed currency based on that rule. It then became the expression, or CAD, synonymous with the U.S. dollar and the various convertible currencies to the dollar.

Balance of Payments: Summary of financial operations that are made, during a certain period of time, between a country and various foreign countries, and include the movement of goods, services and capital and the movement of gold. In other words, the balance of payments is the total annual statement which represents the state revenues from abroad and payments to overseas

Trade balance: the difference between the value of a country's imports, during the period, and the value of its exports. If exports outweighed imports cuff was said that the country with an appropriate balance of trade or OK, and if imports outweighed exports cuff was said that the country with the balance of trade is inappropriate or is OK.

Trading or speculation: is the process of buying and selling shares in the financial market briefly, and form other means of dealing in securities, buying and selling through the financial markets and is usually performed these operations in a few days or weeks as trading stocks are very fast compared to commercial operations other For the purpose of achieving the greatest possible profits by buying shares priced to sell at prices greater where are the trading process by issuing buy and sell orders by investors in their applications to the Broker Financial, which must take into account each investor the identification of each of the company's contribution would like to buy or sell shares where as well as the price at which wants to sell or buy and can also take the market price and also the time it wants to execute the request.

Rolling or speculator: the person investor who is buying and selling shares of companies raised in the financial markets and the payment of the value of shares and the commission payable on the worker process the mediator or sell owned shares and receipt of monetary value, and are often sales orders and purchase from one day to more than that by investor desire is the most important influences on stock prices in the trading sessions are the sale and purchase orders and process of supply and demand that govern the price up and down, depending on variables that occur on companies and the stock price.

Murabaha: is the process of selling such capital Sales, which includes the price of item and incur the expenses while increasing profit known it, a process used by Islamic banks in enabling customers to buy cars and real estate, commodities and other has endorsed many of the elders of Islam as mentioned process is different for lending operations in riba and conducted by banks usury and given that the process of Murabaha is the buying and selling process.

AQAH: AQAH is usury any alternative interest-based loan is considered one of the most important acts of goodness, which is lending without any benefits on the duration or any delay caused by the payment of the amount equal to the amount the lender does not have a penalty, both thanks and praise and supplication. And called the loan a loan (Jurisprudence) loan because the word means: cutting. Because you deduct from the owner offered money to your brother. For Dalal on the legality of the loan this Hadith "Describe Abdullah bin Abi Rabia his grandfather said: Astkarz me the Prophet peace be upon him forty thousand came and money Vdfh to me and said God bless you in your family and the owner but a penalty advances Praise and performance."

Interest (Riba): is the increase on the origin of the money is held تبايع, means lent man amount and required him to return it you increase the origin: this usury loans, defined last increase on the origin of the money is selling, this definition includes usury loans that had prevailed in ignorance. The Lord of financial transactions, Rabbani loans thing usury sales anything else, Lord sales: credit-free for Awad unconditional in sales, this means pen fifty pounds, meaning Awad: Fifty versus owns this pen if I took him sixtieth lira against the delay has to pay the price, This usury named Lord sales and not usury loans, is credited empty for Awad conditional sale, provided sales that this pen fifty If taken in excess of fifty non-requirement sales which Awad This amount took when scientists Lord, this definition definition Sarkhasi one of the largest Hanafi jurists.
A definition of the Ibn al-Arabi: usury in the language increase and be in verse every increase has not been matched Awad is usury, the imam pride Razi says: usury sections Lord النسيئة and usury credit, usury النسيئة ie: increase conditional who takes creditor of the debtor match postponement, borrowed from humans loan Fasthak performance loan when last you the performance demanded an increase on the origin of the money, this is riba النسيئة This usury is usury ignorance that was common among the Arabs before Islam, Varaba that the Arabs know and do but had loan dirhams and dinars to order an increase on the amount of what Astkarz on What Atradon of certain ratios, and now any loan from the bank is like usury interest loans.

Current Account: is a list of restricting their banking transactions exchanged between the client and the bank; and the owner of the money to open this account at the bank to put money in it, the purpose of conservation and preservation and then request when you need it, or for the purposes of dealing daily business, without having to carry cash, has delivers the bank to the customer checkbook, allowing him which - according to procedures known - drag whenever he wants from his account, and will not exceed the amounts for how much money has been handed over to the bank high, has paid his money to the bank expenses easy for retaining the current account as such, was named Account this name because the current nature make it in constant motion from the filing increase or decrease due thereto from restrictions Bal_husb and deposit of change is so that there will not remain on one recipe.

Deposits Current Account: are the amounts deposited by their owners in banks (current account), provided that give it back to them the bank whenever they want it, or know that it amounts deposited by their owners in the banks in order to be present trading, and drag them to the moment the need to respond as soon as demand, and without stop any prior notice of any kind.

Credit cards (Credit Cards): a tool to pay and withdraw cash gives the bank or financial institution to natural or legal person (the cardholder) based on the contract between them can buy goods or services who depend document (Merchant) without paying the price off the guaranteed obligation source payment, and be Payment of the account of the issuer, then returns to its holder at regular intervals, and some impose interest on the total unpaid balance after a specified period from the date of the claim, and some do not impose interest, as some of them can be the person who obtained access to special services.

Debit cards banking (ATM Cards): is a tool to pay and withdraw cash, issued a commercial bank, and allow the holder to purchase his money is located at the bank, and get cash from anywhere with a discount amount from his account immediately, and being able to get special services.

Murabaha contract: is a sales Secretariat in Islamic law, which determines the sales price based on the cost of the item plus an agreed profit between the seller and the buyer. Murabaha contract has developed to become a bank financing formula Award legally what is known in the banking term contemporary "Murabaha banking".

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Saudi Arabia's economy

Saudi Arabia has an economy based on oil with strong government control over major economic activities. And Saudi Arabia has 25% of the proven oil reserves in the world, and ranks as the largest exporter of oil, and play a leading role in OPEC.
With private institutions exist, but it is regulated by the government.
[Edit] Overview

The petroleum sector accounts for about 45% of budget revenues, 45% of GDP, and 90% of export earnings. About 40% of GDP comes from the private sector. The government encourages growth in the private sector to ease the UK dependence on oil and increase employment opportunities for the growing number of the population. The government began allowing the private sector and foreign investors to participate in power generation sectors and communications. As part of its efforts to attract foreign investment and diversify the economy has joined Saudi Arabia to the World Trade Organization in 2005 after many years of negotiations.
With rising oil revenues, making it possible to achieve budget surpluses the government sought to increase spending on job training, education and infrastructure development and to increase the salaries of the staff of the Saudi government.
[Edit] the overall direction of the economy

In the seventies arrived in per capita gross domestic product (GDP) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the world record 1.858%, thanks to the oil boom. However, this bubble could not be continued, and thus shrank per capita gross domestic product (GDP) by 58% in the eighties. But the successful diversification efforts helped to register a growth rate of 20% in the nineties.
[Edit] oil sector

Oil was discovered in Saudi Arabia by geologists from the United States in the thirties, although the large-scale production did not begin until after World War II. The oil wealth has enabled the rapid economic development, which began in earnest in the sixties and stunning acceleration in the seventies, the Kingdom changed radically.
Saudi Arabia's oil reserves are the largest in the world, and Saudi Arabia is the largest producer and exporter of oil in the world. The proven reserves estimated at 260 billion barrels or a quarter of the world's oil reserves.
More than 95% of the total Saudi oil production is from the government before the giant company Saudi Aramco. Most of Saudi Arabia's exports of oil transported by ship from liquidation stations at Ras Tanura. The remainder of the oil exports move through the pipeline to the port of Yanbu on the Red Sea.
Due to the sharp rise in oil revenues in 1974 after the Arab-Israeli war in 1973, Saudi Arabia became one of the fastest growing economies in the world. But high oil prices led to a further development of the oil fields and increase production in all parts of the world, which led to market saturation and thus lower prices.
Saudi oil production, which had risen to nearly 10 million barrels (1.6 million cubic meters) per day during 1980-81, dropped to about 2 million barrels / day (300,000 cubic meters per day) in 1985. The growing budget deficit, and the government was forced to withdraw its foreign assets. In response to financial pressures, Saudi Arabia abandoned for role Kmrgeh within OPEC in the summer of 1985, and agreed to determine the share of production.

The Intelligent Investor: How to profit in the stock market?

How to win in an album


This exchange is interesting, it is clear that if we make money. A long time ago, fifty years ago, it was enough to buy, for example, shares in Air Liquide and Societe des Bains de Mer, at random and sleep on it nice and return more value by selling them after thirty years or more. Today, it is no longer the case.

How to save the stock market? This is the question that presents itself quite wise investor who is not the stock market like the lottery, but as a means to make money grow.

Therefore, a great place, and says that there are two techniques that correspond both to a particular form of market analysis, especially the development of listed companies.
Fundamental analysis

He called the first "fundamental analysis" search to see the so-called fundamentals of listed companies. Foundations, are the numbers of the company's capital, and the related statements of income, and all debt equity ratios, net profit / turnover / total number of shares traded in the market, and so on, what we might call the financial analysis.
Graphical analysis

The second, called "graphical analysis, although called technical analysis while relying mainly on study acting, of course, change, wants to know what will happen to stock prices based on the dates of these courses.

Today, because of the change quickly global markets, be accepted effective graphical analysis to analyze the short and medium term, fundamental analysis on the long-term and very long.

An effective technique: he expected the maximum chance of upward or downward trend of this work, index, and so on.

She is the only possibility to invest in "trading swing", and this means that who buys shares to be sold one day after a few days, or more reason for an investor in "day trading", and thus sold the investor who buys a share and the same day.

It is also the possibility of the only reliable investment in VAD (sale), this practice is the first to sell a stake to buy later, which saves money in a bear market. It's risky, absolutely not recommended for beginners, but it pays when it's done!


Man Poursin (http://www.succes-bourse.com) provides grant success of the system.

Consists of five electronic books into three parts (1 - preconditions, 2 - analysis and graphics 3 - warrants), the success of the scholarship system is actually a way to save the stock market and the market goes up or down.

How to profit from the stock market is very large and without Khcyr

In the name of God the Merciful
Good morning everyone I hope that everyone will be at his best and be Algeslh profitable for all that, God willing,
I Colt including the session Khadra and people mood sweet and at the request of professor and chief scientist of the Egyptian Stock Exchange Professor Nur Egyptian and kind of give back to this forum Gemayel who taught us a lot endowed Call my experience with the market and come experience a short (about 8 months) and modest for for many, but I thank God, since it began in the stock market and I realize good profits, especially with the non-market conditions are good and this because I follow a number of principles that Tammeltha of our teacher great Egyptian Nour and endowed I Aaidhalkm even remembers the others so that they might benefit from them

1. Livelihood de Btaa Lord first and foremost and all we have to Hua pursuit behind him because I do not need to heartburn blood and nervous and irritable, as some people do, because if the pound not Mktoplk Takhaddoa not Htakhaddoa if I worked any
So Flantokl always on God
2. Endless opportunities, there is no need to rush and not on the pollen we are holding share and Rahe, or what it means to share hostel we buy it
It is important, even if we bought it and Hua climber pounds Lycia willing God Hatalaa 10 pounds not we buy and Hua descending pounds and be Lycia Henzel pounds
3. Purchase always be red and selling market is always green and market
And principle de difference with me I very Kthier greatly that I first thing Dkhalat stock you first what I say market Green and stocks began aspiration I was Chari and de biggest mistake because whatever the market pollen necessary Hidkhal in the correct and intelligent Hua Yi Histna period correction and DVD involving
Example: I mean, for example, what Hosni Mubarak tired and told you de the rumors and the market came down rigid shares Ismailia uniforms for poultry, for example, came down almost 95 pounds Tani on the first stock market getting better pollen along almost 107 pounds means a 9% gain in one day
(F de piece Atalmtha of great Allaib Abu Nour and Hua said the market is all good and a Mbezal old red end if keeps Henstrae if Green keeps Henabie Ahan CDA I Aizqua love market)
4. Commitment to halt the loss of the most important points of any need Tanih in lower
Stop-loss point Treat costume safety belt or Cam Bag in Arabic, God forbid, if he needed Haya who Bthmik stops Haya push who Bthmik of loss, God forbid
I know people Ptvkr Ezay (and I am, of course, you're thinking CDA up Mtalmt): Icollk any into the down arrow the pounds and at least two march Hate Haali Tani or tells you whatever inn downright Haml session time Btaath Herdja brief Tani
Mash both healthy, but I'm no is, Akhlin withhold Pelosi in the stock of what surrounds its brief due Tani, of what the cycle time de where opportunities ßĘíŃ began graduate
Example: I bought shares (shares projects) 20 and stop loss 19 points in the crisis who missed the down arrow for almost 15
Client 1: sold at a loss of 1 pound 19 and Astna stock at 15 and Akhaddh Tani as the stock moves and keep 19 or 18 pounds Hibaki Kspan 2 or 3 pounds affection after deducting initial loss
Client 2: what stock to break the 19 preferred in stock and told you Astna down and keep Tani what stock is at 17 not know sells it Hibaki losing 2 pounds Fahidhar excluded share what infects 19 and Limo what keeps with 20 or 21 Kspan the 2-3 pounds milk win them over, but in a longer time
I know that when descending Ptzaal to sell at a loss and Bihs Bzaal rigid and depression and CDA and I'm from people de I better need you Tsbash yourself a freelancer means Mtbesh each process alone best need you accountable yourself every 6 months or a year mean of one month for the month of six show worked CAM process and gained and lost cam capacity Multi-point stop-loss de not Hidikk like Allowal
5. Buying on rumor and drainage always on the news
And sagittal lakh and Talaat Mostafa us Bbaidyn
6.knowledge is the power so keep educating yourself
Iowa strength in knowledge if Lanta understand Lanta replaced with AT Htabie and Lanta مطمن and Htstrae and Lanta and not straying supported on so and so or Allan he Adjelk recommendation and what miss keep puzzled Omh Arif act (I sa stage of de idea) is required to learn the principles of the field who Lanta it appoints if Lanta Wakhd Thread hobby not necessary works Ph.D. in technical analysis I was a enough for you to know the principles Ahan until the show upped chart in any piece of what convergence comments remainder Fahim who Petqal
And I am saying this conversation Ahan encourage myself Wa Brothers encouraged Members to learn the foundations of technical analysis and thank God the here Beoffrlna Forum everything that we Mahtegenh Ahan learn and without any charge
7. Panic and greed of the most important enemies Alborsjah
And that happens very rigid and with a lot of people that the first thing the market down the convergence of people all Ptabie sale random And that really let the market come down Aktar and Byibhdl Adlania
And violin greed means imposed along the arrow climber Lanta Mtfdilh watching it because all seen pounds sells piece and Balash covet means for example, was Mstahedvk 20 pounds and Nash said stock Higib 22 and Mtstnash and say Praise God you Kspan and sale and waited gain Tani in opportunity Tanih

De ČÓ little small notes Habeat join member omitted brothers here
And I like to thank our teacher and big brother Professor Nur who always brighter and old was late we in no need and all this free of charge and less need possible Namlha we Ndeilh Lord Abarklh in his living and aggravated his knowledge

Average price of one gram Dahab today in Saudi Arabia Saudi Riyal currency

Average price of one gram Dahab today in Saudi Arabia Saudi Riyal currency
Unity Saudi Riyal U.S. dollars
24 carat gold price 214.8 $ 57.5
22 carat gold price $ 196.94 52.74
Price of 21 carat gold, $ 188.01 50.36
Price of 18 carat gold, 161.21 $ 43.22
14 carat gold price $ 125.49 33.69
10 carat gold price 89.77 $ 24.16
Price of an ounce of gold 6666.91 1777.7 $
Pounds Gold Prices 1504.08 $ 402.88
Kilo Gold Prices 214,341.1 $ 57,153.06

How to win thousands of dollars a month

How to win thousands of dollars a month

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ 
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الخميس، 27 سبتمبر 2012

A new way to profit from Google Adsense day more than $ 15

Peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings

Dear lovers after suffering to discover the secrets of the profit from Google Adsense

The more people to Aangulwn roads proper for-profit

An example of some of the sites visitors a day more than 12 thousand visitors and profit from Adsense $ 2 if many

Discovered the way visitors even if up to 800 guests, but profit per day to reach 10 - $ 15

Enough to cover rent Alsearerfr month comfortably

Method is put Google ads in threads
In the header
In the list of topics

Tcefho site and ÔćÝć ways advertising it and developed methods

After putting Aajoani be patient for a day or two and Bchow of CPM exceed $ 1.90

Dear lovers subject and explain this to help all

And call in the back of the unseen

Thank you for all

OPEC: 100 to $ 120 price "reasonable"

Confirmed Iraq's oil minister and OPEC President Abd al-Karim and coffee on Monday that the large surplus in supply led to a sharp decline in oil prices over a short period of time and he believes that the price of oil between $ 100 and $ 120 a barrel is more appropriate.

Said coffee for health, it is clear that the massive surpluses have led to the sharp decline in prices over a short period of time and this will not serve anyone. He added that a price between $ 100 and $ 120 a barrel would be acceptable and appropriate more but declined to comment on the course of action which is expected to be taken by OPEC at its next scheduled meeting on Thursday, saying that the organization will take its decision after a comprehensive review of market conditions. He said he expected Iraq's exports to rise to 2.9 million barrels per day in 2013 from 2.4 million now.

It is scheduled to be held OPEC meeting in Vienna on Thursday to put its productivity. And increases the production of OPEC members is currently about two million barrels per day from the roof of the agreed production of 30 million barrels per day to reach produced its highest level since 2008. The oil is trading currently at about $ 100 a barrel, after falling from the highest level in four years of $ 128 a barrel hit in March. The fears of slowing the pace of recovery in the global economy have been frustrated prices.

Saudi Arabia is seeking to reduce the price of oil

A senior Gulf source said Saudi Arabia is working to lower oil prices, although the majority of Member States in the "OPEC" want to become a price level of $ 100 a barrel.

Gulf source told reporters that the oil market was well-balanced and there is no shortfall in supplies. The Kingdom currently produces about ten million barrels a day and will raise the other members of the OPEC production during the next few months. The source said, "We believe that the high price now is not supported by fundamental factors in the market at all."

"Most of the member states want a price at $ 100, including Saudi Arabia .. at the moment is the ideal price for the majority of states .. majority with the exception of one or two."

How to profit from Google Adsense with three excellent books and very profitable

Google AdSense Google AdSense is a service of Google Inc., which is a quick and easy way for website publishers to display ads related to the content of Web pages, in order to earn money and gain financial returns.

Because the ads provided by Google Adsense relevant to visitors and the relationship to the content of the publisher's site, it provides visitors bother to search for what they want out of your site and in return earn you revenue pressure on these ads, which leads to enhance the value of the site.

Free Google Adsense program, which combines ads "pay-per-click" and "pay-running", which means that pay you money for legitimate clicks on the ads in your site as well as its appearance in your content pages.

Learning professionalism of the net profit and Google Adsense and realistic stories in Books

Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings

To honorable members

This number of free e-books in Arabic to profit from the Internet and private Google Adsense .. Benefited from much

A variety of ways and steps untested tell you experiences owners .. Interest and you'll find them, God willing ...

Here subtraction ..

First: to read books properly must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader

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Book explains through blog in Polqr action and registration for the Adsense and profit from your own tips and increase the number of visitors to your blog and other things

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2 / authors: (lift) for Ahmed Mohiuddin.

Profit from websites and blogs, the idea of ​​hear ... then became Tdorvi Rusk .. Then I started thinking about implementation .. then applied in reality .. Then watching your achievement remained alone because he does not have visitors .. If you as well as you really need to readers of the book expert Ahmed Mohiuddin hook .. I think you may have heard the very famous book ... The book contains the best ways to hunt for visitors ...

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3 / authors: (Start your e-book in 7 days and less) for a selected soldier.

This book contains how to establish e-books and then marketed and profit and has a new idea to increase the number of visitors

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4 / authors: (Win Internet untested ways free) Mohammed Fawzi

The book is a complete plan for beginners to start profit from Digg and Adsense
The book contains a definition Balbloger and how to create and how to become a successful blogger
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With Google AdSense policies and strategies lucrative ads

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This book deals with the profit of Blogger in a unique way and unprecedented

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7 / authors: (for profit from the Internet speak) for Mohamed Abdel Tawab

This book talks about the secrets of success .. Included these steps secrets

To profit from the Internet through Google Adsense

It is noteworthy also taken steps to work with images and lessons Video sources NES profit

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This book is very important, and indispensable in time of need .. It is the only leader who
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This book talks about the foundations and methods should know every site owner wants to increase the number of visitors

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I hope from God Almighty that you benefited from books

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The easiest and best way to profit millions of Adsense


The topic de Hhaol explain my own way to profit from Adsense and rate for en route and reached the minimum payment, thank God, has been receiving.
Before what never talk I Batmd in profit from AdSense on sites abbreviation links here Hishrah my way to profit from the sites de If you not convinced sites abbreviation links in principle remains are in the wrong place and Tkmelc read the topic because my words whole هيكون on this kind of sites

God willing, I'm on the subject de Htkelm following points
1 - my way to profit from the shortcut links sites
2 - Why shorten links sites are the best and easiest way to profit from AdSense?
3 - What are the best and easiest way to get a site Shortcut Links

We begin the name of God the Merciful

The first point
My way to profit from sites shortcut links:

1 - Enter one of the sites, magazines such as

2 - Choose one of the topics presented on the condition where the costume, for example, links to the game, the program ..... and what Aconc Mthelaabar because a news articles and Mvhash download links.

3 - often links de Htkon shortcuts such as
www. takemyfile. com/12345
The next step is you real aspiration of links, such as
www. rapidshare. com / abcd
Not necessary to inform links all servers enough and one or two of the beloved servers such as
RapidShare and Mediaver

4 - shortened links real to your site to shorten the links as follows

www. Yoursite. com / 7

5 - Copy Version (preferably amendment such as the change in the title), but replace the existing links new ties

6 - Print popular topic in the Forums

7 - and بكده remain finished and what is happening that visitors to the forum or who Bebgesoa on the subject in Google Hazarlhm Theme yours and what Itagtoa on Links Hidkhaloa your site to shorten links and rate the ads and begins Profit

Point Altanah
Why shorten links sites are the best and easiest way to profit from AdSense?
First to win Adsense good profit will face the following problems
1 - must be you
2 - Location must he be a good content and renewed
3 - Location and content must be a foreign language Ashan the profit from the high-pressure
4 - to be good publicity for the site and this requires months and experienced

In my way to profit from the shortcut links sites de unresolved problems as follows
1 - There are sites Shortcut Links supports post profits Adsense you are not compelled to be you have your own
2 - content not a problem because you Btakhadd topics like what are magazines and Petrfha in forums and threads de variety means you are not compelled talk about a specific topic
3 - although the threads in Arabic that profit Bacon site shortcut links Halle Bacon in English means flying topics in Arabic and despite Keda ads Htkon in English
4 - You are not compelled be declared and there is no need for you Ptatmd visitors forums already famous and who Bacon number is too large
Violin need Tanih a lot of people Ptnsch popular topics from forums to other forums and so you'll find that your subject who submitted who where links Ptatk it Benchr alone and is tired affection means visitors Aktar

What is the best and easiest way to get a site Shortcut Links
Shortcut links sites that participate Adsense profits such as

And the very best xklix.tk because characterized by the following
1 - System Alriveral
After what Ptsgel in site Btakhadd to Link Private Beck and what extent enters site xklix and recorded through the following link de enrolled at the site that you are who Jaiba Each Link bump person de Htzar Aalantek by 20% of visitors to the following link de
2 - in the section on the site Bazar list of the names of all who have registered under you violin Btdick data about them, such as
Country: affection important Because Alriveral I from foreign Hervawa country to Ankathm in foreign locations and foreign visitors Haajibwa and you Aalantek Htzar for 20% of these visitors
Links filed by each Riveral: affection Baattiy idea each Riveral activity

3 - in the section on the site Bazar Links who brought you and the number of visitors to each Link affection THE Bejlak KNOWS Aktar need Btgblk visitors Ahan raise kindred subjects guardian

4 - Location where property shortcut multi mean estimated abbreviated Aktar link at the same time
5 - Department site Petih you choose how your ads appear for visitors whether visitors countries of Links or Links Alriveral

I like this almost finished explanation, but in cam point you Do you want to talk about it
1 - as a means of safety site xklix not appears Aalantek you if you logged in even if I make a mistake while dealing with the site and put pressure on an ad by mistake
2 - to make sure the credibility of the site xklix Sign shortened link then log out and then press the link several times and each time make sure No. IDI your Badsns in advertising phenomenon you'll find it appears 6 times you then twice for the person who recorded all the way and then twice for Adamin then repeated the process and do not forget to record out before they try
3 - Try to explain foreign site in forums to get Riveral foreigners because Alajatb visitors profit rate of Bacon very high pressure

Finally my brothers I Do you want to tell you that I at the beginning of my dealings with sites abbreviation links it took about two weeks to raise the threads until it looked remain profitable after that I continued to raise topics until I got to the stage I was in exams did not lift the threads in about a month and although it was Bigila visitors keystrokes means it tired in the first and after that a simple topic Babaky

Woody list of sites who you Bakhadd topics
Myegy. com
Arablionz. com
mazzikacool. com
arabseed. com
mazikao. net
mazika2day. com
mazikaclub. com
mazika4ever. com / m4e
3arabforest. com / main

After what I understood topic I hope you recorded in xklix site via the link Ptai

Register Free - xklix

I hope that I have succeeded in explanation and an open topic for discussion

I leave you in God's care

Forex deliberation -6 reasons you start deliberation Forex?

Forex like any market other financial based in a particular place, as they provided for Mdol of opportunities to win more through deliberation. There are many benefits to deliberation Forex for Mdaulin and is following benefits that made the forex market the largest on earth compared to all other markets combined. Despite the existence of some Alfajuch which should be avoided in the forex market Vhath last place high dynamic deliberation give Madaol chance to become Mdol Rabah currency.

Here are the six main reasons for deliberation Forex:

1 - Hours: Unlike other markets, not the Forex market timing open or close daily. Could Madaol that Idaol full days a week except on end. This means he can debate 24 hours a day. Main reason for this to the lack of market central to deliberation Forex and working sessions by existing centers in the world. opens each session at different times and most of the courses overlap in their activities for deliberation, bringing the market's liquidity.

2 - Maalim mediation: There is no Maalim or fee is along the supply - demand which represents the difference between the purchase price and the selling price. There are no hidden Maalim, government fees or levies linked to the forex transactions.

3 - Leverage: is the concept makes deliberation currency highly profitable. Outweigh the leverage available in the forex market 200 times or more of the margin deposited by Madaol. Could rise depending on the size of deposits or by Forex broker. Calculated profit or loss at 200: 1 and excess funds available to Mdol considered as a loan provider by the broker.

4 - Applied accounts: gives all brokers in the forex market accounts Applied for new Mdaulin. المداولين could that the Adauloa through a realistic manner real بتسعيرات and Hanah, graphs, market analysis and strategies. But money used virtual allows Mdol to learn through deliberation without concern of losing real money. When Bmdolth trust can upgrade to a mini account and then to a regular account.

5 - to exploit the market: Forex market a very large market and for this reason can are Astglalk by certain parties. Each Mdol opportunity deliberation

6 - speed and liquidity: high market volatility is the deliberation attractive circuit for coordinated rapid and high liquidity. Highly volatile market transactions can be done in seconds.

How to determine the best programs currency exchange (Forex) Training

There are hundreds of ways that you can learn which novice trader trading currency exchange (Forex), for new merchant to get advice from a professional dealer knows where to start.

There are hundreds of training classes currency exchange (Forex) of all kinds. It varies from written to simulate the currency exchange (Forex) or accounts currency exchange (Forex) pilot. So how do you determine your way through the enormous amount of information and ads until you find the training courses that suits you. That the basis of the matter is there is no one lesson only teach you how to trade successfully. As you must take advantage of several types of media associated with the livelihood.

The training courses available are books, videos, teaching sessions, chat rooms, discussion forums, online training sessions, simulation and control accounts. Now where to begin?

There are many products useless, but there are also many useful products as well. Shoddy products will have a dampening effect on your self-confidence for trading as well as your budget. And to avoid this from happening to you is important to look for products on your own. Take advice from discussion forums to exchange currency (Forex). And there are many traders trade Alnharmstadon to provide their expertise and skills and you can ask them about what they think he studied the best in online training. All this will enable you to choose the products and services and training programs currency exchange (Forex) is right for you and match technology and trading systems.

How to profit from foreign currency

The investor, to take advantage of the currency exchange trading (Forex), that mixes market analysis with business skills, trading instruments and the right mentality. Trader optimist who wants to risk will be high on the two trading without planning.
The Stock Exchange trading currencies in the currency exchange (Forex) is certainly a profitable business. The manner in which the dealer can ensure that receiving profits from trading currency exchange (Forex) is through knowledge of the market and how currencies behave in specific situations. It is important to refine merchant mentality and attend psychologically to face the market. This is an important part of trading as they create stores not only to face the profits but also take the loss into account.
The currency trade is not based on luck or good opportunity. They are calculated based on assumptions. Merchants online resources or without it they can use it to help them. This will help the merchant to understand trading opportunity available to him and this will be able to take advantage of most of them. The learning currency trading can be done by studying the lessons, read articles, read news currency exchange (Forex) trading across الانترنتو through demo accounts.
The trader can start through a demo account so it may have confidence in its trading capabilities. Then he can rise to exact calculations and small accounts before handling regular accounts. The management of risk in currency exchange (Forex) and money management in trading two important aspects of the trade for each dealer. If he could face two-sided and a good balance between them it would be easy to become a profitable trader.
The market analysis with fundamental analysis and technical analysis is very important in trading. As stores can help these analyzes to identify trends in the market and benefit 

Company nordfx

Company nordfx
A nordfx company nordfx a nordfx company nordfx NordFX explain open a company account nordfx
Company Features
Allows companies NordFX several types of accounts account Hello, Micro Account, Standard and account to suit all kinds of traffickers
Company no deposit bonus for small traders 8 this ability is available to calculate Hello "welcome" only
Register, and activate your account by sending documents and will get $ 8 for trading
Of course bonus can not be withdrawn but you can withdraw your earnings "over the bonus"
As an example Akhaddt $ 8 bonus and traded them for 10 days and became the top owner $ 50 as an example
You can request to withdraw the $ 42 "overall profits"
Note Company in the first process of withdrawing profits after the bonus deducted the value of the bonus itself "Any $ 8" only the first process of withdrawing
- Spread the company NordFX equals 2 without additional fees for each of the accounts Hello, Micro and begins with 1 for the Alstandr account
Company supports Alascelij and hedging and Alascarpitat all relented trading
Company supports all means of deposit and withdrawal, such as
Electronic banking all kinds "exists Thumb below the names of the banks
Deposit and withdrawal bank transfer
Deposit and withdrawal بالفيزا
Deposit and withdrawal Eridt
Deposit and withdrawal Balkash U
Cloud on Alalktroyna banks very fast during 2 hours at most
- Other great features Tkchwunha yourself, God willing
Pons company
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The picture shows

Now explain open a real account Noor Forex powered microsoft even easier for you to it
To open an account click here
The types of accounts in company Nord Forex
First account: Account Welcome welcome
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First account Hello welcome
Account careful micro or Micro
This is designed for small traders who have capital starts from $ 5 to $ 50, this account
Is best suited to him
Copy of Account Features

Micro Forex Account
The third account Astandr account standred
For intermediate traders, who begins his capital from $ 50 to $ 2000
Copy of Account

Last account for senior traffickers
Of capital begins with $ 2000
And, of course, must take into account to choose the kind of account during the recording and this depends on the amount of your capital
Copy of Account

Now we come to explain open a corporate account
Click here to open an account
Then follow the pictures


Company nordfx.com

Open a company account nordfx.com
Now Congratulations, you've become your account in Nord FOREX
And now you Mohl to work in the field of Forex Currency Trading
It will show all Benataat entry in the company, such as your account number in the company
And you will use in the entry for MetaTrader and password
Save this data well
Now Log in Company
As this image

Now we come to step activate your company
Like any Forex company must follow the steps to activate the account and confirm the identity of the company
By sending two
The first pictures from the card or identity or travel Jozer or Albaspord clear name
The second picture to prove your address to send a picture of your electricity bill or water, telephone or bank account statement
Blogger Eilha address
Note: It is possible to be arrived electricity, water or telephone as your father, "This is not a problem"
Follow the steps as in the picture


Open demo account Forex
Then wait an hour to day and will do your shows green as in the picture
Now you have a company account and the account number and password and also you activate your account
Download MetaTrader from here
Only need to deposit to start trading "or if you choose the type of account welcome bonus for $ 8"
All you what is waiting for activation and bonus will be added and the primitive trading
Or chose account Maeker, Stnadr or other trading and wants larger amount and that's what does any stores
Wants to achieve the required income and that suits him from this area
The filing is a step the company money in your account
Continued microsoft

Forex deposit

Placement in a company Nord Forex

Brokerage firms

Currency trading firms
Now, after the deposit money will show you in your account balance
The amount that you deposit
Now go a step transfer money from your company to Terminal MetaTrader to start trading
This feature in the company Any
Possible, for example, that deposited $ 100 in your account and then
The transfer of $ 50 to $ MetaTrader and traded by
The remaining $ 50 in your account to Ttaibq certain strategy you want
Or possible, of course, convert all amount to meta for trading
Follow images

Taalan after what you have to trade much trump God
We come to explain the withdrawal of the profits from the company
Here's explanation

This explain almost every Xi company
Join the beginning of the
To the stage of filing of the company and download MetaTrader and Payouts
If have any ÓćÇá or inquire about the company can post it
Do comment Bmly below and leave your email address and you will receive an answer immediately
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